WOOL 2015


PantónioPT and SaminaPT


Oriented by organization element



What can be mention as the 3rd EDITION of WOOL, is in fact what we call the EXTRA edition. Since we didn’t manage to get funding or any kind of support by the local institutions, we decided to support a small edition, bringing to Covilhã only 2 portuguese artists, Pantónio and Samina.

Both created murals in the historic center, whose process was followed live by the public. Apart from these interventions and in order to promote direct contact between artists and citizens, the artists also carried out 2 talks, where they could present themselves to the public and explain their designs and inspirations.

Mural: PantónioPT _ “Andorinhões”
Mural: SaminaPT _ “Sr. Viseu”
Photo Credits: Pedro Seixo RodriguesPT and PantónioPT