WOOL + | Urban Art more accessible

accessibility, community project, exhibition, public art project


Covilhã, Portugal


Organization + Curation + Production


República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes

Câmara Municipal da Covilhã / Cidade Criativa UNESCO


BPI | Fundação “la Caixa”

REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais

Farmácia Covilhã

J. Gomes, Lda.


Alto Patrocínio de Sua Excelência o Presidente da República Portuguesa, Prof. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

Visit Center of Portugal

Turismo Centro de Portugal



Escola Secundária Campos Melo


Museu Nacional do Azulejo

Molde Ceramics

Pastceram – Pastas Cerâmicas / Graffito

Casa do Barro / Câmara Municipal do Fundão

Braillesign – Casa do Braille



Graph & Co


Sport Hotel Gym + Spa

Taberna a Laranjinha

Casa das Muralhas

Nata Lisboa Covilhã

Banda da Covilhã

A Tentadora



Acesso Cultura


Comunicação Alternativa e Aumentativa – CRID | Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão Digital – Célia Sousa / Fernanda Inês

Braille – Braillesign | Casa do Braille – Luiz Herzog

Réplicas tácteis – Braillesign | Casa do Braille – Luiz Herzog

Audiodescrição (guião) – Desirée Nobre

Audiodescrição (consultor / revisor do guião) – Paulo Reis Simões

Audiodescrição (locução) – Emanuel Rodrigues

Língua Gestual Portuguesa (intérprete) – Alexandra Santiago

Linguagem Clara – Elisabet Carceller


Miguel Oliveira _ photography
Vasco Mendes _ documentary film


Terra Amarela

5ª Punkada


Silvia Matias


Ricardo Rodrigues



Canal 180

Jornal do Fundão

Notícias da Covilhã

Rádio Cova da Beira



The WOOL + | Urban Art more accessible project came about as a response to the growing desire of the WOOL | Covilhã Urban Art organisation to extend this unique experience that Urban Art, and specifically the WOOL Route in its most varied dimensions, offers to people with disabilities, hearing impairments or other specific needs, as an (accurate) update of the initial objectives, in which we aimed to ‘occupy’ the streets of our city with Art, making it accessible to everyone.

To ‘everyone’ that we want to include the 8% of the Portuguese population who live with a disability, some ‘physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairment which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their full and effective participation in society with others’ (a concept of disability updated by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, proclaimed by the UN in 2006).

WOOL + is a project that aims to explore all the possibilities and creative potential of Urban Art, promoting and supporting the exercise of a right enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, which gives all citizens, without exception, the fundamental right to culture, access to cultural enjoyment and creation.

The WOOL + project is a cross-disciplinary project focussing on the visual arts and public space. It is divided into four sequential phases that provide different forms of enjoyment, participation and/or creation:

1. Community Artist Residency
2. Adding accessibility features to the murals * **
3. Inauguration / Celebration
4. Exhibitions / Memory

In a clear and broad mission to raise awareness and transform the community and the territory, this project brings together various disciplines for a more inclusive, cohesive and resilient dialogue and experience, from and in the local, but with a global example.

+ info HERE

* Accessibility features added to 3 WOOL Roadmap murals:
– Physical support (table) with tactile replica of the mural, text in relief and Braille and QR code.
– By scanning the QR code, you can access the platform with the following resources (in Portuguese and English):
– audio description to support exploration of the tactile replica (in Portuguese and English);
– audio description of the mural and its context (in Portuguese and English);
– video about the mural with an interpreter in Portuguese Sign Language and subtitles;
– text in alternative and augmentative communication about the mural.

** Accessibility features on the mural resulting from the community art residency:
– By scanning the QR code next to the mural, you will have access to the platform with the following resources (in Portuguese and English):
– audio description to support the exploration of the tactile replica (in Portuguese and English);
– audio description of the mural and its context (in Portuguese and English);
– video about the mural with an interpreter in Portuguese Sign Language and subtitles;
– text in alternative and augmentative communication about the mural.

Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ guided tour to the WOOL Art Tour (artist Mantraste + APPACDM users + E. S. Campos Melo students)
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ working sessions at APPACDM
Stage 1 – Community Art Residency _ guided tour to the Museu Nacional do Azulejo for artist training
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ working sessions (painting on tile) at E. S. Campos Melo (took place weekly between January and March 2024)
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ organizing the tiles
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ last working session (painting on tile) at APPACDM (extended user group)
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ tile panel installation
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ Tile Mural: MantrastePT + APPACDM users + E. S. Campos Melo students _ “SUBIMOS JUNT_S?”
Phase 1 – Community Art Residency _ Tile Mural: MantrastePT + APPACDM users + E. S. Campos Melo students _ “SUBIMOS JUNT_S?” – inauguration
Phase 2 – Adding accessibility resources to the murals _ guided tour to the CRID – Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão Digital managers | IPL to prepare alternative and augmentative language brochure
Phase 2 – Adding accessibility resources to the murals _ guided tour to preparing the audio description of the murals and creating a script for a guided tour with audio description
Phase 2 – Adding accessibility resources to the murals _ physical support (table) with tactile replica of the mural, embossed and braille text and QR code. By scanning the QR code, you can access the platform with the following resources (in Portuguese and English):
– audio description to support the exploration of the tactile replica (in Portuguese and English);
– audio description of the mural and its context (in Portuguese and English);
– video about the mural with an interpreter in Portuguese Sign Language and subtitles;
– text in alternative and augmentative communication about the mural.    
Phase 2 – Adding accessibility resources to the murals _ brochure with text in alternative and augmentative communication about the mural
Phase 3 – Inauguration / Celebration _ guided tour with Portuguese Sign Language interpreter
Phase 3 – Inauguration / Celebration _ round table “How can we guarantee the cultural participation of people with disabilities and Deaf people?”, with André Speedy Garcia (breakdancer / dancer), António Marques (President of APPACDM), Célia Sousa (Coordinator of CRID – Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão Digital), Rita Pires dos Santos (President of Acesso Cultura), Lara Seixo Rodrigues (co-founder of WOOL) and moderated by Joana Reais (singer).
Phase 3 – Inauguration / Celebration _ show “O Tamanho das Coisas” by Terra Amarela, text by Alex Cassal and interpreted by Paulo AzevedoPT
Phase 3 – Inauguration / Celebration _ concert 5ª Punkada
Phase 3 – Inauguration / Celebration _ guided tour with audio description
Phase 3 – Inauguration / Celebration _ guided tour in an electric tuk tuk
Phase 4 – Exhibitions / Memory _ ‘Disto & Daquilo’ photography exhibition by Miguel OliveiraPT
Phase 4 – Exhibitions / Memory _ documentary film ‘Subimos Junt_s?’ directed by Vasco MendesPT
Phase 4 – Exhibitions / Memory _ presentation of the project at the National Tile Museum (donation of a panel to the MNA collection).