Hugo da Nóbrega CardosoPT
”Can Urban Art be a public policy instrument for the development of territories?”
14th of JUNE
14h30 > 16h00
CIEC – Centro de Inovação Empresarial da Covilhã _ Rua António Angusto Aguiar, 60
Coordinator of Urban Art Gallery (GAU) – Lisbon City council (CML)
With a background in film and audiovisuals (Restart, School of Fine Art, New York Film Academy), after music, he worked in theater (training at Teatro Praga, artistic direction at Teatro Ibisco), developed socio-community artistic projects (Casa Independente, Festival O Bairro I O Mundo, Territórios Invisíveis, Bazar do Mercado do Forno do Tijolo) and stabilized in the world of Urban Art (Galeria de Arte Pública do Mocho, Festival MURO,), where today she coordinates the project of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Lisbon City Council, the Urban Art Gallery.

The Urban Art Gallery (GAU) – a project of the Department of Cultural Heritage (DPC) of Lisbon City Council (CML), adopts as its main priority the promotion of plastic discourses associated with graffiti and street art present in the city’s streets, within an authorized framework, as a strategy for renewing artistic intervention in public space and safeguarding heritage.
Created in 2008, it believes that restricting the status of urban art to vandalism is an unfair and reductive attitude, because it means consigning to oblivion a whole vigorous artistic movement that can make a valuable contribution to the aesthetic enjoyment of public space.
The GAU is responsible for supporting, developing, evaluating and promoting all the interventions that may arise in the city of Lisbon, in a strategic logic that looks at the city as a whole and where the Gallery extends throughout the territory, as a cultural strategy.