Vitor BelancianoPT
“Why and how to value women in the Visual Arts?”
“Can Urban Art help build community?”
14th of JUNE
12h00 > 12h45
16h15 > 17h00
CIEC – Centro de Inovação Empresarial da Covilhã _ Rua António Angusto Aguiar, 60
Cultural journalist
Journalist, cultural critic, chronicler, author, with a background in anthropology and sociology, he spent around twenty-five years at Público newspaper, while also being a DJ, actor, social scientist, teacher or editor for publications such as Vice or Fact (portuguese versions). He edited the book ‘Não Dá Para Ficar Parado – Afro-Portuguese Music. Celebration, conflict and hope’ in 2020 and, in 2024, “Estás na Moda ou na Merda?”. He has published numerous articles and essays analysing culture and society in books – from “Ten Cities” (2020) by Spector Books, to “Quando a periferia se torna trendy” (2021) or “Lisboa Mistura” (2008) – as well as in anthologies, magazines, newspapers and platforms. Her work focuses on cultural reflections (music, arts, literature), broader social issues or the interaction between politics, culture and socio-cultural dynamics. He regularly participates in seminars, debates and conferences. Lives in Lisbon.